Juno Services Ltd
Who We Are:
Juno Services Ltd was founded in January 2010 by Fritz and Sanet Jooste to provide services and software related to Road Asset Management. Building on a combined experience of more than 40 years in the road building and asset management industry, the founders built Juno Services into a successful consulting business specializing in research, analysis and software development.
Building on this experience, Juno Services played an initial role in the design of theJunoViewer Asset Management system. From its humble beginnings as a desktop program, this product was purchased in 2013 by Lonrix Ltd, a sister company in which the founders are still involved. Lonrix has migrated JunoViewer to a zero footprint web platform and expanded the product into a powerful framework for building web-based asset management systems.
Fritz holds a PhD in Civil Engineering from Texas A&M University, and has worked in the field of pavement design and pavement asset management since 1991. As a senior researcher with the CSIR, Fritz published several research papers, reports and also worked as a co-author in the development of national-level guidelines on topics of pavement design as well as asset management.
Since 2001, Fritz worked as a private consultant, initially in the field of pavement analysis and design. Since 2004 Fritz has been mostly active in the field of road asset management, with a specific emphasis on research and development related to Pavement Management Systems. At present Fritz is most interested and active in the following areas:
- Development of predictive models using Machine Learning algorithms
- Research and analysis of road network performance data
- Development of optimization algorithms for development of Forward Works Plans
To view some of the published research papers and reports, you can follow Fritz on ResearchGate. A full CV is available on request. You can contact Fritz at:
Sanet holds a masters' degree in Civil Engineering from Texas A&M University, and has worked in the field of pavement asset management since 1994.
Sanet has considerable experience in deterioration modelling, pavement network condition analysis as well as training related to modelling and data analysis.
Since 2001, Sanet worked primarily as a private consultant with work experience in South Africa, Malaysia, New Zealand and Australia. At present Sanet is most interested and active in the following areas:
- Evidence-based deterioration modelling to meet specific strategic and operational objectives
- Analysis and reporting related to road network condition
- Targeted training and knowledge transfer workshops
A full CV for Sanet is available on request. You can contact Sanet at:.